Pleasing Purple Bouquet

Eager to please! This luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and snow white lilies is a fabulously fragrant way to tickle their fancy. It’s lovingly hand-delivered in our exclusive Color Splash cube for a gift that will keep on giving, year after year! Lavender roses, white asiatic lilies, purple carnations, lavender carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums […]
Fun ‘n Festive Bouquet

A celebration in a mug! Make a special day even more memorable with this bright, beautiful gift. Radiant orange roses and rich red carnations burst with happiness from a festive mug they’ll love sipping from for years to come! Light orange roses, red carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and yellow cushion spray chrysanthemums are arranged […]
Money Tree

Harmonize the five elements within a space, bring good fortune and prosperity, and improve the flow of “chi” with a money tree! The money tree – or Pachira – is thought to bring good luck, and is a thoughtful gift for any home or office. A money tree is planted in a square black container, […]
Good Luck Bamboo

Considered lucky because of its peaceful vitality and strong growth, bamboo is an easy-care hydroponic plant that brings peace to any environment. Presented in a Zen natural bamboo cube with white river rocks to keep the canes upright, this lucky bamboo plant is a unique gift for any occasion. Stalks of long-lasting bamboo are tied […]
Magnificent Roses

The essence of pure romance.It’s a gift of luxury meant for someone truly magnificent. Available in Classic, Premier, or Luxe sizes.
Fields of Europe® Romance

Inspired by the rich beauty of the European countryside, our romantic bouquet reveals all the feelings you have in your heart. Fresh-picked pink & red blooms are on display inside a glass vase finished with ribbon, creating a timeless gift for someone you love.
Perfectly Peach™ Bouquet

Our pastel bouquet delivers the sweetest of sentiments. A mix of soft-hued blooms is gathered in our vintage-style hobnail vase inspired by the Victorian era. Featuring a champagne mercury finish, it’s a gift that helps you say it perfectly…and beautifully
Peace & Healing™

When consoling a loved one, a gift of serene green can provide peace and comfort.
Bountiful European Dish Garden

Our blooming dish garden arrives beautiful hand-arranged in a cheery splitwood basket.
Plants a Plenty

This rich garden of greenery is an exquisite gift that adds unique style to any home or office décor.